About how Be Mandy Things came to be...

Be Mandy Things is a handcrafted bag and home decor small business, and I'm Amanda, owner & designer! I know "Mandy" is in my business name, but please.... call me Amanda.

Read on to discover how this little hobby turned into the successful small business it is today!


About 5 years ago, I was a stay at home Mom, raising 2 little boys with my Hubby. It's so rewarding and fun... but, let's face it. It can get B.O.R.I.N.G. My Mother-in-Law has been sewing since she was a girl, so I asked her for a few lessons. After my first lesson, where I put the pedal to the medal and sped through everything she gave me to sew, she gave me HOMEWORK! She made me practice sewing straight lines, and at a slow speed. No crazy, fast driving on her watch.

Well... it worked. I practiced any chance I could get, then moved onto slightly harder projects. Fast forward to a few years later, and I was sewing zippered pouches, tote bags and soaking up any you tube tutorial I could find. I started giving my items out as gifts, and always received a comment like, "Oh, wow! This is beautiful? Did you MAKE this?! Do you have an Etsy shop? You SHOULD have an Etsy shop!"

Then, the pandemic. The friggin'. Long. Pandemic, where I had no choice but to hone in on my sewing skills.  And that's when I decided to open up an Etsy shop. It was either open up the shop, or move out of my own house because there was not room to live with all the bags around. I got my first sale the day after I opened my shop. Talk about a rush! But honestly, I don’t know if I would have my own Etsy shop and have the sewing skills I have today without the pandemic. If you told me 5 years ago I would be making the bags I make today, I would have thought you were crazy. But along with being a creative outlet for me, it's also my therapy. My sanity keeper. My escape. My chance to keep my mind quiet.

I love looking at fabric and thinking up combos in my mind of what would look great on a bag. My Instagram (@bemanythings) will show you all the different projects I have made throughout the years. I sew any chance I get, however, it's not as often as I would like. My children are now both in school, and I went back to work when my youngest entered Kindergarten in 2019.

Now, I'm a full time Special Ed Teacher, working with behaviorally and socially challenged children. See now why I need a stress reliever??!! My sewing time is now whittled down to when I'm not knocked out on the couch during the school week after my own kids have gone to bed, or when I can sneak a few hours into my sewing room on the weekend. I'm always creating in my mind, and have several drawers in my sewing room full of fabrics that are paired with patterns, waiting to be cut into.

Collaborating with multiple companies, I am also a Brand Ambassador for Needle & Anchor and Sallie Tomato. Check my Collaborations tab for more details.

I personally want to thank you for taking the time to learn a little about myself. Hopefully you have connected with my story in some way. If you would like to be a part of the BMT family, and receive advanced notice of new inventory, special subscriber discounts and stay updated on what I’m up to, sign up for my newsletter!